Subject: Education and teamwork
Yes, Tom Floyd is a real man. Today we are doing a case that requires good muscle relaxation, which is not commonly used here. While they have ventilators on the anesthesia machine, it uses too much oxygen, which is supplied by tank and is in short supply. Therefore, when used, assisted ventillation is by hand.
The local team does not use neuromuscular monitoring, a skill we are introducing to them. In this photo, Tom Floyd is demonstrating what a normal response is on himself. He then compared normal to the patient after vecuronium.
I am waiting to hear the yelp when they try this on themselves...
The local staff are exhausted. In spite of this, and even after working late last night, their team returned early thus morning to do a full day's worth of cases on a day off. The physicians joined us for rounds at 6:30, and are helping with anesthesia and scrubbed in learning from our physicians.
This includes all the support staff, including folks to clean and sterilize equipment between cases.
A very impressive group of dedicated health care providers.