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May 28, 2010


Rex Russell

Very nice quick reference. I would also like to include another possibility; Central anticholinergic syndrome. This etiology of delayed emergence may not be as uncommon as we thought. I believe I took care of a patient who represented an extreme case of this years ago as a new attending at Johns Hopkins. Unfortunately, I did not recognize it as such and she went to the ICU for a FULL work up(all negative) and woke up on POD 0 late in the evening with no sequelae. Had we tried a small dose of physostigmine it may have solved the mystery. I recently posted on my blog about this case.

David Smith

Thank you for your comment.
I have updated the entry
I was particularly embarrassed by the omission since one of my first published case reports as a resident was on the subject of delayed emergence after atropine (Smith DS, Gardner SM, Orkin FK: Prolonged Sedation After Intraoperative Atro¬pine in Two Elderly Patients. Anesthesiology 51:348-349, 1979).


Great idea...you have some of my favorite people contributing to your blog. I enjoy it a great deal. I'm still working out how to do links neatly but in the meantime will keep it as a post...up now.

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    This blog is organized and maintained by David S. Smith, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, University of Pennsylvania. His subspeciality is anesthesia for patients undergoing neurosurgery. For the past 6 years he has had responsibilites for patient safety and clinical care quality improvment in a Department of over 65 faculty who provide anesthesia care for about 24,000 patients each year. Correspondance can be sent to [email protected]
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